The above prices apply as additional costs to the monthly contribution for the dance lessons. This amount can be paid by direct debit/transfer or via maestro. We do not accept cash payment for the membership fee. The amount (tuition + bus transport costs) must be transferred before the end of the month to account number: 400 989 04 MCB Bonaire, the name of the student and the paid month(s).
Statement of Approval
The undersigned has read and agrees with the attached general terms and conditions of School of Performing Arts Bonaire. The undersigned also declares to have taken note of the house rules: You can always unregister from a course provided it is done in writing and with due observance of 1 (one) month’s notice period. No refund of tuition will be given in the event of a class cancellation due to holidays or public holidays. The academic year runs from August to June. The contribution for the month of July must also be paid in order to keep the contribution per month as low as possible.